Nov 11, 2009

This is my first blog

I started this blog just so I could comment on The Bayfield Bunch blog. I do not know if I needed to do all this, but if your reading this and you want to read a great blog, google the Bayfield Bunch and check it out.

Well I promised myself I would try to write in this bolg everyday. Sort of a therapy, because I have never been good at writing. So looking through my photographs taken last week I found this MOO...N COW an thought I might share it. It was taken on the Old Christensen Ranch.

My wonderful "e-bay" buy Ray and I started the day feeding our kids. We have Miss Piggie, Lobo (Bo), Loki (believe me the name fits), Ashes (Momma Kitty), Buddy (Budrow), Princess ( Princie), Got Milk (Milk), and our 2 old ladies Baby Girl and Peanut. Also 1 invisible fish.

Then we visited our BFFs, who offered us coffee, and breakfast. Great friends and good cooks.

The rest of the day was uneventful and wonderfully peaceful. It is great living in the middle of nowhere.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jean, thanks for the plug & it looks like you have an excellent start on your blog for sure. Looking forward to hearing more from you.........
